Sunday, February 2, 2014

The One Lovely Blog Award

Yes, I did totally drop off the face of the earth these past few days. I had a ton of things lined up for last week but then life happened and I went up north to play with some snow and so yeah, it was kind of hectic. But now I'm back and so happy to be warm and dry (more on that tomorrow).

Just to be clear, THIS post was not originally in my schedule. But I found out today that I got nominated for this award by the lovely Lesley Marie at Books and Beautiful World and since I really had no yearning to complete the monthly recap I had planned for today, I thought I would do this instead! Sharing seven facts about myself? Sure thing, I love talking about myself! Passing it on to seven other bloggers? Totally, I'm all for spreading the love! 

7 Facts About Me
  1. I have zero siblings. Yep, I'm an only child. Which kinda saddens me sometimes but not really when I think about all the chocolate I DON'T have to share with anybody. 
  2. I am a Girl Guide! I just got enrolled this year and it's been such a great time so far. Just wait until I get my hands on those cookies next week...
  3. I cannot ride a bike. I know how to ride a tricycle though!
  4. Once, when I was six, I played Mary (the mother of Jesus, not Magdalene) in a Christmas play about the birth of Jesus. I was even on the front page of my local newspaper!
  5. I am actually in love with Taylor Swift. She's my homie, yo!
  6. I have multiple collections of coins and stamps. 
  7. I freaking hate tea.

And now... 7 bloggers I nominate!
*Note that you don't have to participate if you don't want to and that you should pass on the deed! So share seven facts about yourself and then nominate seven other bloggers!
  1. Josephine @ Dudette Reads, because her Confab posts are absolutely terrific and her reviews are great.
  2. Shanelle @ The Art of Escapism, because I love her spirit and in general, she's just such a nice person.
  3. Shelly @ Readiculous Reads, because her blog is so cute and I absolutely love it. Also she talks to me on Twitter and is really nice.
  4. Hazel @ Stay Bookish, because I love all her features and discussion posts and also because I think you need to see what a stunner her blog is.
  5. Emily @ Forever Literary, because her reviews are so well-written in a way I would never be able to achieve. 
  6. Jasmine @ Flip That Page, because her reviews are also really well-written and also for all her fun features and SURVEYS. 
  7. Stephanie and Jessica @ Hopeless Romantics, because they have the greatest tutorials and blog design and also because they're just really nice.
Now go and check out their blogs! They're truly such amazing bloggers. And also, if you want to, share seven facts about yourself with me in the comments!