Monday, February 17, 2014
Love-A-Thon 2014: Award Time!
This was the last mini-challenge of the Love-A-Thon and it was supposed to go up last night but I just totally did not feel like doing it. Then, anyway. Because I actually really do like this idea. I think it's so much fun to give out like virtual bloggy awards to bloggers to let them know how much I appreciate them!
best blog design.
This is so tough because there are literally TONS and TONS of bloggers with fantastic designs. One that really sticks out is Pop! Goes The Reader. I love the color scheme and the entire thing just oozes such a fun vibe. I'm also a huge fan of Novel Sounds (which doesn't come as a surprise because it's designed by the very same Cindy Pepper who's responsible for Pop! Goes The Reader). Oh Chrys has owls (always a bonus) and a color scheme I wish I could claim for myself. Constellation Chronicles also has such a gorgeous design and reminds me of those winter-themed games I used to play online. Both I Swim For Oceans and The Perpetual Page Turner have adorable designs that bring a smile to my face every time I see them. I can't forget about The Novel Hermit and the narwhal (can I have one too?). Or Live To Read, Love To Read, Natflix & Books, The Paper Sea, Hello Chelly, So Obsessed With, Stay Bookish, The Starry Eyed Revue, A Novel Idea, A Reader of Fictions, Effortlessly Reading and The Story Siren. I realize those are a lot of bloggers but everyone just has such attractive sites! If I HAD to pick a favourite though, it would have to go to Rather Be Reading. Their design is basically everything I could ever want for mine and it is absolutely gorgeous. Love it!
best weekly feature.
Right now, I'm really loving Life of a Blogger @ Novel Heartbeat because it helps me to learn a little more about my favourite bloggers outside of reading and blogging. Top Ten Tuesday @ The Broke and Bookish has been a favourite since I started blogging. I'm not participating much any more but when I do, it's very fun! Also Books and a Beverage @ The Book Addict's Guide and Procrastination Pro Tips @ Forever Young Adult. There are also so many great non-weekly features that I feel need recognition so hello, Listen Up @ As Told By Rachel, Book Bags @ Hello Chelly (one of my all time favourites), Nailed It @ Rather Be Reading, and Arts and Crafts @ Novel Sounds.
best discussion posts.
My top pick would probably be Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner. I find she always has great things to say that make ME want to talk too! Charlotte @ Gypsy Reviews also has wonderful discussions, as does Chrys @ Oh Chrys. I love reading discussions by Sandra @ Tea Between Books, they're so witty and I find myself nodding at everything she says. Asti @ A Bookish Heart also has great discussions and so does Josephine @ Dudette Reads. I love Mel @ The Daily Prophecy's discussions as well.
friendliest blogger.
What even is this question because literally all bloggers are super friendly. Anyway, when I think of friendly, I immediately think of Asti @ A Bookish Heart. She's actually the sweetest and nicest blogger ever. So, so kind and so, so friendly. Cal @ Read Books and Live Green is also so friendly. She's literally so sweet, my teeth ache. Lesley Marie @ Books and Beautiful World is really nice as well, so is Emily @ Forever Literary, Shelly @ Readiculous Reads, Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner, Jasmine @ Flip That Page, Meredith @ Lit Up Review (and Mere Mai!), Liz @ Fangirls of Fiction, and Emily @ Constellation Chronicles. I'm forgetting people but actually, every single blogger I've met was so nice so really everyone deserves this award. And of course, our wonderful Love-A-Thon hosts Katelyn @ Kate's Tales of Books and Bands and Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books. So sweet and friendly!
most helpful reviews.
I trust Christina @ A Reader of Fictions very much with her judgement on books. If there's a book I'm iffy on, I usually check her blog and see if she's reviewed it. Gillian @ Writer of Wrongs has reviews that I trust as well. Anna @ Anna Reads has great reviews too - short but ones that always manage to convey her thoughts perfectly. Bookistry also has the most amazing reviews and her judgement is held very high in my book as well!
favourite bloggers to fangirl with.
I do most of my fangirling on Tumblr so I can't actually recall many bloggers that I've fangirled with. Liz @ Fangirls of Fiction is one (guys her Twitter is the best, like actually) and I remember fangirling with Judith @ Paper Riot over Once Upon A Time (oh my god, so soon). And uh, that's it? I know, lame list in comparisons to my other ones.
best surveys.
This goes to two bloggers: Jamie @ The Perpetual Page Turner (remember her Friday Fun posts? I loved them!) and - I'm sure someone has already beat me to it - Jasmine @ Flip That Page. Share some of your survey making skills, guys!
bloggers i miss the most.
In the blogosphere, things change very fast and bloggers come and go. Here are some of my favourite bloggers that aren't really blogging any more: Reem @ I Read and Tell, Meg @ Adrift on Vulcan, Lexi @ The Literature Lion, Steph @ Steph Su Reads, and Sash & Em @ Sash & Em. Please come back guys! Be like Kelly (from Radiant Shadows, now Pretty Little Reader) and come back. I miss you all!
best gif use.
I'm always admire bloggers who are able to seamlessly integrate gifs into their posts because it just adds so much personality to the words. When I think of bloggers who really have a good hold on gifs, a few come to mind like Debby @ Snuggly Oranges, Gillian @ Writer of Wrongs, and Christina @ A Reader of Fictions.
favourite new finds.
The Love-A-Thon is all about sharing bloggy love and finding new bloggers to love so I thought it would be a nice touch to end with this category. Relatively speaking, Dudette Reads has been a pretty recent find but with amazing discussions and great reviews, has quickly grown to be one of my favourites! Same with Singing and Reading in the Rain and Literary, Etc. Blogs I've found through the Love-A-Thon though that I really like are The Sea of Pages (not as an actual participant but through a blog roll) and Love At First Page.
So there are my bloggy awards! All great bloggers that have been featured so please, go and send them some love! And with that, my 2014 Love-A-Thon is officially over! I'm getting kind of teary-eyed to be honest because I had such a great time chatting with bloggers and writing up these posts. I cannot believe I have to wait until NEXT FEBRUARY until Love-A-Thon comes around again. Boo!
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