I remember talking about starting this feature back in December so look how long it took me to finally get a post out! Inspired by Christina Reads YA, I thought I would make my own version of her feature (Christina Makes The Bookish Rounds) so that I have a place to store all the blog posts that I love and of course, share them too!
This time around, I didn't include ALL of the links that I had bookmarked for the past two weeks because my data ran out and since I was on my phone for internet, I wasn't able to update this post regularly. And then the posts started building up and now I have this gigantic monster in my feedly that I need to go through and comment on before I even think of linking. But anyhow.
Around the Blogosphere will be up bi-monthly and will consist of all the posts that my bloggy heart loves, both bookish and non-bookish. Here's the first edition!
read these books now!
- I put down The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson a while ago but now I regret it because everyone seems to love it, including Sarah!
- I've had my eye on Far From You by Tess Sharpe for a long time so it's great news to hear that Amber loved it!
- Eileen enjoyed 16 Things I Thought Were True by Janet Gurtler and I have to say, it looks pretty great! I also love Eileen's list of 16 things she thought were true below.
- Charlotte loved Pretty Girl-13 which makes me super happy because I've had my eye on it for a while!
- During the Love-A-Thon, I heard great things about Vicious and then I saw a positive review for it from Jen at the Starry-Eyed Revue. I MUST read it now.
discussions galore.
- Josephine admits she writes in her books for school. I do it too! Do you?
- Wonder what types of social media book bloggers use? This fun infographic by Brittany gives you all the answers!
- Nikki compiles her one-star reads together and shares what she discovered.
- Kayla talks about using "the next..." as a marketing scheme and why it works for her.
- Emily shares her thoughts about love triangles and I could not agree with her more.
- Want to snuggle up with some books for Valentine's Day? Jamie has the list for you! PS. Read Wanderlove!!
- Gillian discusses ships, sinking ships in particular!
- Nikki talks about her experience with Nanowrimo and asks: are readers writers?
- I struggled a lot with finding my stride in blogging this year so Rachel's post really spoke to me. Love, love, love it!
- Valentine's Day is totally already over but don't tell me these bookish pick up lines from Nikki don't still crack you up!
- Another Valentine's Day post. I can't help it, they're too good not to share! This one is from Cee as part of her typography feature. She's sharing four awesome V-Day themed fonts!
- Alice-Jane creates a new feature on creative spaces. Who else loves that Lego calendar as much as I do?
- Debby goes through her DNFing process and I'm seeing some similarities!
- Chrys gives you the lowdown on how to figure out your book boyfriend is bad!
- Jessi wonders if book blogging has made her more critical. I have the same feelings...
- Do you insist on reading the book before watching the film adaptation? Helen asks this and other questions on A Novel Natter: Books to Movies.
- Josephine tells you how to spoil a book without really spoiling anything for people who don't want to see it.
- Want to know how to increase your blog readership? Parajunkee tells you!
- As part of Cass' Food Around The World feature, Lauren shared some of her favourite dishes from Nova Scotia. Can I just say YUM?
- Love this list from Lesley Marie on the things she wishes to see more of in LGBTQ fiction!
- Cue the swooning but don't worry, it's not for a fictional character this time! It's Jen's new feature showcasing super cute bookish products!
- Jen and April showcase their favourite movies perfect for Valentine's Day.
- Even though I don't more than half of the book boyfriends on this list (yeah, I really need to get reading!), I had a good chuckle reading through Gaby's list of boyfriends and the dates they would take you on.
- Besides being just amazing, Gillian is also a great artist. Here she shares her bookish valentines!
- Rachel & Carina share some made-for-Valentine's Day tunes...with the help of some fellow bloggers.
- I LOVE this post from Charlotte about blogging how you want to. So, so true.
- Alix & Paola kick off their Instalove 101 event with a very interesting chat!
- Speaking of chats, check out this hilarious one from Cee and Kelly on romance!
- Sandra shares five reasons why she loves books so much!
- Kelly talks commenting!
- Sandra takes a walk down Memory Lane and shares her past blogs. Loved this post but it definitely brought back some not so great memories about my OWN blogs. That's certainly a story for another day!
- PE talks about those times when she NEEDS to read.
bloggy tips.
- Nuzaifa publishes a great post on designing your blog with tips from three super experts! Really helpful especially since I'm going to be tackling this soon!
- Stephanie explains how to get customized sharing buttons for your blog.
- Debby is seeming more and more like an organization goddess, especially with her newest post on how she keeps track of her series.
author love.
- Alexa interviews author of the Lunar Chronicles and upcoming release Cress, Marissa Meyer. Cue the swooning.
bookish news.
- Sure most of you have already heard, but J.K. Rowling confesses she thinks Harry and Hermione should have been a thing? I so do not agree...
- Were you on Twitter a couple weeks ago when the book blogosphere exploded with news of a new bookish site, Literally? Mel wrote a great review for it and I stand 100% behind everything she said so go check it out! Also, I have ONE MORE invite code left so if you want to join, send me a message over email (head on over to my Contact page) or tweet me!
- Guess what? Team DA won in the Bookish Games. I had so much fun playing and am so happy that I made it to the end. To be honest, I was a totally shit player but somehow, I managed to survive. Woohoo!
- This is more like bloggy news but anyway, Ashley of Nose Graze has created a new hosting site for book bloggers!
other news.
- Facebook celebrated its tenth birthday this February. Check out this comprehensive timeline of the company's story.
clothes, clothes, clothes.
- I am so in love with the Tibi Fall/Winter 2014 line. How cozy! Also that navy jumpsuit on side 11 is so cute!
- Ever wonder what an applique is or what haute couture means? Who What Wear gives you the scoop in Fashion Terms Decoded.
- One of my favourite lifestyle blogs, A Beautiful Mess, shares a recipe for homemade Kit Kat bars. Yum!
best of beauty.
- Beauty blogger Lily Pebbles does a Q&A video with herself that I really enjoyed watching!
- Winter is a TERRIBLE time for my skin but I'm definitely going to try out these tips for protecting your skin during the winter and see if they help!
- I've always dreamed of studying abroad and even though it doesn't seem to be a reality anytime soon, I'm bookmarking this post on Rookie just in case...
- If you follow Taylor Swift's every fashion move like I do, you might know that Taylor was talking of getting a cut similar to Karlie Kloss' and you might also think that was really exciting because how good would that look? For the past month or so, she's been tricking us by pinning her layers back and hinting at a haircut and it was like JUST GET IT ALREADY and then she finally did. And it's gorgeous. And can I have her hair?
- Disney movies are one of my favourite things in the entire world so it was so much fun to read Mashable's post on this animated map that plots Disney movies by location!
Were there any posts I missed? Did you come across any really great and interesting posts these past few weeks? Share them in the comments!