Sunday, February 23, 2014

Around the Blogosphere (1)

I remember talking about starting this feature back in December so look how long it took me to finally get a post out! Inspired by Christina Reads YA, I thought I would make my own version of her feature (Christina Makes The Bookish Rounds) so that I have a place to store all the blog posts that I love and of course, share them too! 

This time around, I didn't include ALL of the links that I had bookmarked for the past two weeks because my data ran out and since I was on my phone for internet, I wasn't able to update this post regularly. And then the posts started building up and now I have this gigantic monster in my feedly that I need to go through and comment on before I even think of linking. But anyhow.

Around the Blogosphere will be up bi-monthly and will consist of all the posts that my bloggy heart loves, both bookish and non-bookish. Here's the first edition! 

read these books now!

discussions galore.

bloggy tips.

author love.

bookish news.

other news.

clothes, clothes, clothes.


best of beauty.

  • I've always dreamed of studying abroad and even though it doesn't seem to be a reality anytime soon, I'm bookmarking this post on Rookie just in case...
  • If you follow Taylor Swift's every fashion move like I do, you might know that Taylor was talking of getting a cut similar to Karlie Kloss' and you might also think that was really exciting because how good would that look? For the past month or so, she's been tricking us by pinning her layers back and hinting at a haircut and it was like JUST GET IT ALREADY and then she finally did. And it's gorgeous. And can I have her hair? 
  • Disney movies are one of my favourite things in the entire world so it was so much fun to read Mashable's post on this animated map that plots Disney movies by location!

Were there any posts I missed? Did you come across any really great and interesting posts these past few weeks? Share them in the comments!