Expected Publication Date: March 1, 2014 by Albert Whitman Teen
ebook, 259 pages
Received from publisher through NetGalley -- thanks!
Kate's boyfriend Sheldon (or Shelton?) broke up with her and after a few days, she's still absolutely miserable so her best friend (whose name I so don't remember) decides to bring her out on an outing with her boyfriend and her cousin, Aidan who's staying with her family for a while. Kate and Aidan spend time together and soon find themselves taking a fancy to each other. And because I don't know where else to put this, Aidan is also a war veteran who got his right arm blown up during his time in Afghanistan. Not that it has anything to do with the actual story.
The Summer I Found You by Jolene Perry is one of the cutest novels ever, because of its simple storyline and easy narration. It wasn't hard for me to get into it at all and it wasn't hard for me to finish it in a matter of three or four hours. It's just that kind of book. Cute and sweet but frankly, without much depth.
This book did touch upon living with diabetes (Kate) and being disabled (Aidan) and I appreciated that but I always kind of felt that the novel was more centred on the romance and to the point that all of the other things Kate and Aidan were going through felt meaningless. Like they didn't add or take from the story, really making very little difference. I wish that they were a bit more emphasized throughout the book because it would have made The Summer I Found You less like a generic contemporary romance.
I did really like Aidan and Kate together. They're just so cute! Read this book and tell me that they don't seem cute! The dual perspective really helped in this case because the attraction between them were very well articulated on both sides, so it wasn't hard for me to imagine that they really liked each other.
The Summer I Found You was a sweet book but not very memorable. Kate and Aidan were sweet together and the writing flowed very easily but there was very little depth and nothing that really stood out for me. It was a very fast read as I read it in a day which is really good because I'm usually a very slow reader.
you if you're looking for a cute and fast romance.
Camelle @ Home of a Book Lover gives it four stars: "The book is inspiring and wonderful."
Book Passion for Life gives it 3.5 stars: "I don't think it's a book that will rock your world, but I do think it's a good story that is worth a read."