Yay! The first month of 2014 is officialy over! It's been a pretty good start to a new year so far, even though I'm kinda scared of how the rest is going to go. Janauary passed by so quickly and even though I did a lot, I don't feel as if I've accomplished a lot so I'm worried that 2014 is going to pass in a blink of an eye and I'm not going to make use of it.
what happened.
1. I filled out a matchmaker questionnaire. It was to raise money for CANFAR which is the Canadian research foundation for AIDS. You pay a couple dollars on Valentine's Day to find out who you got. It was actually a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to receiving my match! I'm not expecting anything to happen (though it would be nice...) but I think it's going to be really entertaining!
2. I went on an art trip with my class to the AGO. Which is the Art Gallery of Ontario. I've been quite a few times already but it was really fun to get to go back again! We truly do have a great collection and I enjoyed walking through and looking at the artwork once again. After that, we also participated in a workshop which to be frank, wasn't that spectacular. But regardless, I still had a great time especially afterwards when I found yummy taffy in the store for only 10 cents apiece (plus tax).
3. Bell Let's Talk Day happened. If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed like ten thousand tweets from me with the hastag #BellLets Talk (actually it was only forty and I raised like two dollars). It was part of Bell Let's Talk Day which is organized by a Canadian company to raise awareness about mental health. On Bell Let's Talk Day, Bell encourages everyone to send tweets and call and text people and yada yada to spread the message and for every one of those, they will donate 5 cents to mental health initiatives across Canada. And you know how much we raised? Nearly six million dollars! And guess what else made that day super awesome? My school hosted a gigantic free breakfast (which was absolutely delicious) and an assembly with Clara Hughes to spread the word about mental health. Super fun and super empowering!
4. I learned to defend myself from a predator. So this month, my physical education curriculum included a self defense course for us girls so that we could learn how to defend ourselves from potential rapists and murderers. It was actually really fun and provided a lot of useful tips, not that I could execute them at all if my practice attack on the last day was any indication. The guy actually weighed about two hundred pounds and I couldn't even move underneath him, let alone push him off. Oh yeah, and did I tell you about how I totally got carried and flipped over? So traumatizing...
5. Celebrated Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year was on the 31st and was really fun! I had a great dinner and received a lot of candy and money. What else could I ask for?
6. I went up north for the weekend for a winter getaway! It was so much fun! I tobogganed and sat for a campfire and built snowforts and had a snowball fight and so much other stuff! It was exhausting and SO wet but so much fun. I love snow, especially when there's like fifteen inches of it.
7. FLAPPY BIRD. OMG, no words for this game. I started playing like a week ago and hated it but that was before I got a score of 1. Now my high score is 7 and I'm HOOKED. I'm playing like a madman. Also, can I just say that Flappy Bird is way better on Android than the iPhone.
currently reading.
I'm reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown right now. I started it a while ago but didn't finish and now I'm back to it! To be honest, I'm not enjoying it as much as when I was in the fourth grade. I'm also reading Winger by Andrew Smith but I haven't read enough to have a strong feeling about it.
listening to.
I met someone today who knows this song too and I was very impressed because it's like one of my favourite songs ever and it's just so good and Regina's voice, like I can't even.
I haven't watched Frozen yet but I really do love this song! And I actually don't think the Demi Lovato version is terrible. I like Idina better but I can appreciate Demi's version too. Maybe not as much but well...
When I first heard this song a few months ago, I really did not like it at all. But then this month, I heard it again and fell absolutely in love with it. I've been singing this all the time now.
I'm not too big of a fan of Ryder's other songs but I actually really like Fall! I don't know, something about it just works for me.
Unlike most of the songs on this list, this wasn't a song that was on replay for January but I thought it was important to include it because January was the month where I was like really obsessed with Kurt Cobain and Nirvana and I just wikipediaed everything like crazy and yeah...
highlights of the runaway reader.
- I welcomed 2014 with open arms and a full list of goals.
- First review of 2014 went to Reunited by Hilary Weisman Graham.
- I shared a playlist of my favourite songs in 2013.
- Another ginormous list was made, this time about the challenges I'm participating in.
- First ever five star review on The Runaway Reader is for Tiger Lily. Read it!
- Will you wait with me for these nine 2014 debuts?
- I got great response to my post on courtesy comments. Love you guys!
- I also talked about losing creativity and you guys gave some great advice!
what to expect in february.
- Book reviews for Getting Over Garrett Delaney, The Summer I Turned Pretty and The Summer I Found You
- My Epic Recs introduction post for February
- The February edition of Bookish Radar
- The unveiling of one new feature! (Get excited!)
and that's it! tell me what you did this month in the comments.