It was important for me to take a break because I felt like I really needed to re-evaluate my blog and where I want to go with it. These past few weeks have been tough for me, in terms of The Runaway Reader and I felt like I was slipping further and further away from what I wanted the blog to be. And the problem was that I had no clue what I wanted in the first place!
So during my hiatus, I thought long and hard about what The Runaway Reader represents and came to some conclusions that I decided to form into a blogging manifesto. In the past, I never thought I needed one but now, it's becoming clearer and clearer to me that I do need one. I need something to guide me and lift my spirits up whenever I'm in another blogging slump. So without further ado, my blogging manifesto!
Annie's Blogging Manifesto
- My blog is a part of me and will always represent who I am.
- I will treat this blog as a hobby, not as a duty.
- I will blog with passion and integrity always.
- I will not let anybody else determine how I blog.
- I will always try my best to do as much I possibly can.
- But at the same time, I will understand that I need a break sometimes and will not fear taking a step back from blogging.
- While blogging means a lot to me, I will not compromise my life outside of the blog because of it.
- I will not be afraid to go against the tide.
- I will not feel obliged to do ANYTHING.
- I will always make sure to display proper conduct.
- In no circumstances will I ever participate in spreading drama or negativity.
- I will not let myself get jealous or compare myself to other bloggers.
- I will not think about blogging statistics.
- I will be appreciative of each and every reader I have.
- I will do my best to respond in a meaningful way to every comment when I can.
- I will make an effort to be active outside of my own blog.
- I will accept the fact that the day when I no longer want to/can blog will arrive and learn not to be fearful of it.
- I will continue to blog because I love it and not because I have to.
- But most importantly, I will appreciate and be proud of what I have accomplished and learned because of blogging.
So this was mostly just a post for me to refocus and re-evaluate some of my goals when blogging but if you have a manifesto too, I want to know how it works for you!