Saturday, December 7, 2013

Weekly Recap: December 1-7, 2013

I've noticed that many bloggers do a recap at the end of each week and since I actually love reading those posts, I thought I'd start doing it as well!

First week of December, you guys! This makes me SUPER happy because December is my absolute favourite month! I'm so pumped for Christmas, New Year's Eve and my birthday (coming up in a week or so)! School is also starting to wind down which is great because finally, I get some time to relax and chill.

This week, I had my third week of classes in the second rotation of my Design Tech course. It's basically a Photoshop course and it's actually really fun! I'm so clueless when it comes to Photoshop but there are a few kids in my class who are amazing at it so that helps a lot. I've actually made some pretty cool things and I can't wait to show you guys! 

I also had my first Girl Guides meeting this week and I'M SO EXCITED. The girls are all so sweet and there are so many activities planned and I'm just really, really excited! Since I arrived three months late, I'm definitely behind on getting my requirements for the Canada Cord (the ultimate badge for a Pathfinder, which is the unit I'm in) which makes me sad but I'm going to try and compensate for all the weeks I've missed. How cool would it be to get a Canada Cord? Next week, I have a trip to Brickworks for Girl Guides and I'm going to be doing some community service which I'm really excited about! I love volunteering and Brickworks is a beautiful place so that's definitely something to look to next week!

1. Doodle Jump. I'm so new at this game but I'm loving it! The ninja theme is my favourite. So much fun! 
2. Subway Surf. This week marked the discovery of two amazing phone games. I have yet to download Subway Surf on my phone but bet on it because I absolutely love this game!
3. Brookside Dark Chocolate Fruit Crunch. It's my favourite after school snack lately. I love the combination of the dark chocolate, rice crisps, and the fruit gems. So delicious! 

I shared my blogging manifesto with you guys.

None this week!

Since I've just come back, tell me what I've missed! Any great posts you think I HAVE to see? Share in the comments!