Published August 21, 2012 by HarperTeen
Hardcover, 304 pages
Borrowed from library
Max thought she and her boyfriend, Hugo would be forever. But then he breaks her heart. Reeling from the humiliation of being dumped, Max flees her stifling boarding school to New York City where her mother lives. And it's there she comes up with the plan to help girls get over heartbreak once and for all. Just when things are starting to work out for Max in New York, old flame Hugo arrives there and Max is left shattered to pieces again. But this time, her friends and her clients are also at stake.
Guys, this book is what I have been waiting for for a VERY, VERY long time. It did not garner the ever elusive badge of honor and five star rating but it came VERY, VERY close to doing so. Over You just gave me all the right type of shivers and feels. After a week, I'm still squealing over how cute this book is!
I loved the idea of a program to help girls get over heartbreak. I thought it was creative and unique and Max seemed really good at what she was doing with the program! It makes me wish this type of thing existed in reality because we all sure could use someone to help us cope after our hearts have been broken. But while I thought the heartbreak program was interesting, I didn't appreciate the sexist tone towards boys. As if they were the only ones in history who ever, ever broke a heart, as if that was what boys did. I don't know if this was what was meant by the authors but I just thought I would point it out because definitely boys are not the only ones who cause heartbreak.
All the characters were really amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about each of them. This is just one of the cases when I wouldn't have minded the book to carry on and on, as long as I could continue reading about the characters. It was such a treat to peer into their individual lives and I loved everyone from Max to Zach to even Taylor and Hugo!
But guys, ESPECIALLY Ben! I admit, there was a bit of instalove between him and Max but it wasn't in a way that it was unrealistic. Ben looked at Max and thought she was pretty and that is completely natural! They both might have moved past the stages of love quite fast but honestly, I didn't really care. Weirder things have happened and while it can be annoying to see instalove in books (especially so often), it truly does happen in real life. Sometimes, people do just click that quickly!
The thing about this book though, is that I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if I had read it at another time. You know when a book comes at the exact moment you need it to? That's what happened to me with Over You. Before I read the book, I was feeling rather down and then I read it and TONS OF FEELS hit me right in the face and made me laugh and cry at the same time and want to yell at the characters for being so stupid but it felt great. It totally cheered me up and got me excited about reading again and I don't know how long since I've felt that. So I definitely have to thank Emma and Nicola for taking my mind off of things!
Over You was such a great read for me! Opened my eyes about a lot of things and really made me feel SO much better. It's the most refreshing book I've read in a long time and has gotten me excited about reading all over again. There was so much to like about this book: New York, Zach, Ben, the clothes from Teen Vogue. It was so close to being a five star read for me but there were just a few minor things that got into the way. Some of the things that happened to Max were a bit unrealistic and the narration was also quite convoluted. It was hard to discern what was happening at times because of the way the third-person narrator flipped back and forth between each of the characters. Still, Over You was a very fun, rewarding read that I will revisit in the future! On a side note, I think this book would be so much fun as a television show!
people who are looking for cute romances and something fun. If you want a pick-me-up, this is the book!