Sometimes I wish I can hire a barista to work for me and make me yummy drinks all day long. Especially with winter coming, I think I definitely need some hot drinks to fight the cold and also, to spread the holiday cheer! For me, no Christmas is complete without a steaming cup of hot chocolate from Starbucks. They're basically synonymous with each other.
So as part of my Christmas countdown, I've decided to feature five drinks I think are perfect for the holidays from Starbucks. Next time you make a visit there, think of trying one of these!
Chocolate is a staple during the holidays so of course, a chocolate flavoured coffee would make my list! I found this gem after a friend had ordered it. It was so good that I bought one myself a couple days ago on my way to school! It's a nice and hearty coffee with a sweet but not overpowering chocolate taste. It's absolutely delicious and great for someone who isn't a huge fan of the way coffee tastes.
This is most definitely my favourite hot drink from Starbucks! I'm in heaven just thinking about it. The hazelnut is amazing in this drink and really reminds me of all the Ferrero Rochers I get around this time! The foam and the syrup puts the cherry on the cake. I HIGHLY reccommend this one!
Remember all the salted caramel toffees you used to get for the holidays? Because I sure do and while I don't get them any more during the holidays, I've found a great alternative - this drink! I wasn't too crazy about the salted caramel mocha because the salt kind of made me sick. It was a great touch to the drink though and the caramel syrup with whipped cream was really yummy!
I will always remember the vanilla latte as being a gateway drink to the world of espressos at Starbucks. It was a light and simple coffee, perfect for on the go and great to get you in the holiday spirit!
And last but not least, the original holiday drink from Starbucks. I think hot chocolate is a given for any child's Christmas so you just HAVE to get yourself a cup of this this year if you haven't tried it! It's creamy and chocolatey and warm enough to heat you up on a cold, wintry day.
And that concludes my holiday picks from Starbucks. If you do try one of these this year, give me a shout and tell me what you thought! But for now, I have to ask: do you share my love for Starbucks? Have you tried any of these drinks and what did you think? What are some holiday drinks you would reccommend?