Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Some Blog Announcements

For the past few weeks, I've been really struggling with blogging which is probably really clear from the lack of posts and the messages and apologies. And I've been trying to sort out my feelings on blogging and where I want to go.

I've concluded that I don't want to leave blogging. I love it too much and there are just so many things I haven't done yet that I want to do. So I'm going to continue. But because the state in which my blog is in right now is pretty bare-bones, I need some time to get things back into shape.

For the next four or five days, I'm going to take a break from actively blogging and really work on scheduling for December and planning and drafting up posts (unfortunately, this means no Weekly Recap this week either). After a lot of thought, I think it's best for me to go back to planning what I want to do because winging it seems to be making blogging even harder.

But I have some really great posts planned for you in December and I can't wait for those to go up! I really hope that this new blogging system I'm implementing now will help me manage The Runaway Reader better.

See you in December! And for those celebrating Thanksgiving and/or Hanukkah this weekend, I wish you happy festivities!