Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 2013 Reflect & Renew

Say goodbye to December AND 2013. This year flew by so fast (not that I have complaints because honestly, I'm totally relieved it's over) and I'm just incredibly excited for 2014 and what it has in store for me. There's something that's telling me it's going to be terrific, splendid, and all types of amazing wrapped up! But before I get too hyper about the new year (it's not for another five hours!), here's my December wrap-up and man, what a great way to end the year!

PS. No 'on my blog' portion for this month. I was just too lazy, oops.

what happened.

December, as per usual, was full of festivities! From my birthday to Christmas to today's New Year's, it was a whirlwind of fun. Especially now that I'm on break. Unfortunately though, this is my last week of no school and OMG, I'm SO not looking forward to going back. Can summer just be here already?

1. I helped out at an outdoor theatre for a winter play. It was freezing, especially since it was night-time! I was so glad hot chocolate and other nice goodies were available to help warm us up. To be honest, I didn't do much helping out except for shining a flashlight on icy patches but it was so much fun! I've never been to an outdoor play in my life and this one was really great. Major props to the actors for braving it out in the cold!

2. I got Spotify...even though it's not technically available in Canada yet. But pushing that aside, I am absolutely obsessed! I love making playlists more than anything in the world and Spotify has lead me to some great songs and rekindled my love for others. My use of Spotify right now though is currently at a standstill because I deleted my Chrome extension during the dark period when my internet was completely malfunctioning. Now that it's better, I might have to see to reinstalling it one of these days!

3. I gorged my face with so much yumminess! I did so much eating this month that I don't think I'm going to be able to walk for the next few weeks. But I can't say I'm complaining. I think the best thing I put into my mouth this month was my basil pesto linguine but gosh, my malai tikka and chicken panini are a close second. And of course, all the biscuits and chocolate and cake I ate but that's a given.

4. Celebrated my birthday. Woohoo! It was a pretty sweet day, hanging out with my family and friends. I didn't even have to go to school for the whole six hours! And not to be materialistic but I got some great gifts too! Just a wonderful day through and through.

5. Saw Once on stage. I watched the film and absolutely fell in love with Glen and Marketa and the songs. It was such a joy to see it play out in front of me and I really commend the writers for building more of a plot to the story yet not detracting from the music which was AMAZING. Also, I appreciated the bits of humour they added. Really lightened up the story a whole lot.

6. I helped at a community dinner at a church. I got to sing carols as well! For me, there's nothing more in the Christmas spirit than contributing to your community. It was such a delight to meet such nice people and I totally missed caroling! It's been ages since I'd done it so it was a real treat to be able to be a part of that once again.

7. And today, I went to catch the last screening of Maidentrip with my grandmother. It was such an inspiring film and Laura is a person I look up to very much. I can definitely relate to her because I've had that same yearn to explore the world and while I don't think I could do what she did, her story is one that I know will encourage me to chase after my dream

currently reading.

Right now, I'm working to complete Between the Lines by Samantha Leer & Jodi Picoult. It's going okay so far, but I'm hoping to see that it's going to pick up. Feeling a little juvenile at this point and some things aren't explained as thoroughly as I would like but it was recommended to me by an Indigo employee (and their judgement is always appreciated) so I'm not sure what to think at this point!

listening to.

I wish I could have linked to Spotify this month, but as I said, it's down so Youtube will have to make do.

Back Together - Jesse McCartney
Yay, Jesse's back! I spent like five years of my childhood fangirling over him so it's so great to see him back with such a great EP. Especially love this song. It's so head boppy.

Say It To Me Now - Glen Hansard
From the Once film! I've been listening to the soundtrack over and over and over again and still, this is one of my favourite songs. I just can't get enough of Glen's voice.

Chocolate - The 1975
I've been really into this band lately and Chocolate is still my favourite song by them. Which is probably no surprise since chocolate is about my favourite food... Just kidding.

Synthetica - Metric
I haven't listened to Metric in AGES but I really love their new song and the music video is tres cool. Missed Emily's voice. Plus, go Canadians!

Mistletoe - Justin Bieber
Of course Mistletoe is going to make my list! What better song to get you into the Christmas season? This is one that never fails to make me crack a smile.

and that's it! tell me what did you do this month in the comments.