Monday, December 9, 2013

The Discontinuation of Weekly Recap (Among Other Things)

Since I've been really focused on my blog for the past few days, I've been thinking a lot about tweaks I want to make to ensure The Runaway Reader runs smoother so I wanted to make another blog announcement so that you're all updated with what's going on here! 

I've been thinking a lot about Weekly Recap lately and have finally come to a conclusion I'm happy with. After much thought, I have decided to discontinue Weekly Recap. I love the idea of the recaps but honestly, they're not worth it. They take up a lot of time and I feel like there's no point in posting weekly. It feels more like filler than a post that actually has substance.

With the discontinuation of Weekly Recap, I've decided to reinstall Reflect & Renew from my old blog, Random Reads, which is a recap that goes up monthly instead of weekly. It's basically going to cover the exact same things as Weekly Recap did, except everything will be nice and organized into more categories.

And as of now, the Novel Report will no longer be its own feature. I have the same feelings about Novel Report posts as I do about Weekly Recap: too time consuming and mostly filler. And upon second thought, I realize it's not necessary to create an entire post for books I'm reading when I can easily integrate it into my recap posts. So from now on, you'll be able to find details on my reading life in the Reflect & Renew recap posts. 

The Novel Report also shared my DNFs which will not be going into my recap posts but will be given their own feature, Novel Roundup which is again, reinstated from Random Reads. It's basically an overview of all the books I didn't finish or didn't review and I think it'll be helpful for me to keep track of the books I read that don't appear on this blog!

And now back to Weekly Recap, do you guys remember how I had a section dedicated to blog posts around the blogosphere? Well, I've decided to create a separate feature for that too! I love sharing posts but I want it to extend further than the book blogosphere. There are so many great posts around the web PERIOD and I want to share that with you guys so I've decided to introduce Around the Web (I know, such a creative name) which will also be a monthly post and feature all of my great Internet findings for that month. 

So those are all my blog announcements this time! Thank you all for being so great while I'm trying to figure things out, I appreciate it a lot! Love you all loads! xx