Fun times, February was. Haha, just kidding. February was actually the most exhausting and fastest-flying month of my life. Here I am, sitting in my swivel chair on the first day of March and all I can think of is how glad I am that it's March and not still February because it sucked the life out of me. From the weather to the crap-load of assignments I had, just not fun. In other news, is anyone else finding the year flying by really fast? I feel like I'm doing these every two weeks and not every month.
And on another side note, I feel like I'm really sucking at implementing the 'renew' part of this wrap-up. I haven't posted three of the posts this month that I said I would last month! Man, I got to get myself together!
what happened.
1. I got the results to my matchmaker questionnaire. So remember last month when I told you guys how I filled out this matchmaker thing at my school for CANFAR? Well, we got them back. And it was pretty interesting. The results that were returned were very detailed and in-depth so it was kind of a laugh to go through it. Also, did you know that my most astrologically compatible celebrity is Matthew Perry? And that the first Hawaiian cavalry was organized on my birthday? Oh, the things you learn...
2. I sold cookies at the Sportsmen show. It's cookie selling time again for the Girl Guides and to help us raise some money, we went to the Sportsmen show to sell some cookies. And it was, um, very interesting, to say the least. I think there's a reason why I've never been there and now that I have, I doubt I'd be interested in going ever again. Though there were some fun activities I got to do like archery and fishing. There was even a dog show! But unfortunately, not my thing.
3. Valentine's Day & the Love-A-Thon. Valentine's Day was the same as every other one, except this year I got a carnation...from a dude on the street promoting Winter's Tale. I don't know if I'm too interested in seeing that film but I put the carnation in a can with water and it's doing really good right now! But on the bright side, I got to spend Valentine's weekend participating in the Love-A-Thon which I also did last year. It was so much fun once again and I got to chat with great bloggers and read some fantastic posts. I absolutely cannot wait for next year!
4. BRACES OFF. Every month I have an appointment to the orthodontist to check up on my braces and how my teeth are doing. It's really a very dull matter but my appointment this month was good. It was done in twenty minutes and my orthodontist told me that if everything goes well in March, I'll be able to get my braces off and my retainer on in April! Very, very excited. I've been waiting for this news since November so definitely very happy that it's finally here!
5. Visited the horse stables. In Toronto, where I live, our police officers also patrol the streets on horseback which I've always found really interesting. I got to see the horses this week and even though I am not a horse fan and do not appreciate their slobber, I have to admit it was pretty fascinating to see them so close up and of course, learn about the care they get and how they live in an urban city!
6. Blendoku. It seems every month I find a new game that I'm really excited about and this month, it's Blendoku. It's so much fun and the idea behind it is so cool! I suck at it but I'm hoping that I'll be more skilled with blending my colors as I play more.
7. FREEZING WEATHER. I am so ready for this winter to be over, you don't even understand. I get nearly blown to the ground by the wind every day as I walk home from school. I hate ending up with frozen fingers and legs and ears. And I just hate the cold in general. I mean, us Canadians are hardy creatures but this season has been something like our worst nightmare. There was a 96-car pileup on a highway this week! Thankfully no one had life-threatening injuries but still, not fun.
8. The Olympics. I can't believe I forgot this! Um, hello? Who spent two weeks doing nothing but watch the Olympics? Despite the controversy surrounding the Sochi Olympics, I think it went really well! The athletes seemed to be really content and I was really content too watching them compete! I loved all the sports and was so happy to witness great moments on screen and of course, get excited about hockey. There's something about hockey that just gets us Canadians all excited, even if you're like me and appreciate the sport but don't know a heck of a lot about besides basic rules. I remember watching the US vs. CAN match at school during Design and getting up at 7 on a Sunday to watch the gold medal match between Sweden and Canada. Crazy, I never get up that early on a Sunday! But anyway, the Olympics were great, I can't help but get excited whenever they come around. Just two more years until the Summer Olympics again!
currently reading.
I actually don't have any books I'm reading right now because I just finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. Well, except for Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier but that's kind of at a stall since it's for English and I've already handed in my assignment. I also already know the entire story so I don't think it'll be as much fun reading it but I'm still going to try and finish. I'm planning on starting Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield. I've been wanting to pick it up for a while so I'm very excited that I'm finally reading it. I'll make sure to tell you how it goes!
listening to.
I've been so in love with this song this entire month. I love everything from the lyrics to the tune, and of course the video which I think is just about the coolest and weirdest thing I've ever seen. Okay, I take that back because their video for Right Action takes that cake.
I've listened to the entire My Head Is An Animal album but somehow, I totally missed this great song until this month???
I remember going to see this movie last summer and enjoying it soooo much. It's just such an enjoyable franchise and all the characters are adorable! But anyway, I just love this song and it brings back hilarious memories of the film.
highlights of the runaway reader.
- I got nominated for the One Lovely Blog award and shared seven facts about myself!
- I finally jumped on the bandwagon and participated in Life of a Blogger. I listed some of my favourite bands!
- The Book Blogger Love-A-Thon came around again and I had a blast doing it again! This was one of my favourite posts that I wrote.
- I talked about my reading slump and how it makes me feel bleh.
- Shelly asked me to join her for Epic Recs and I did! Still haven't started my book though...
- The first edition of Around the Blogosphere went up!
- I gave the badge of honor to the first book ever!
- And I talked about how my English teacher might be appalled if she ever found this blog...
what to expect in march.
- Book reviews for Welcome Caller, It's Chloe, The Summer I Turned Pretty, and Me Before You
- An introduction to a new feature with Love and Other Perishable Items as the special guest!
- Bookish Radar, the March edition (I haven't done one in so long!)
- Plus, the reveal of a feature combining my love of travelling and books.
and that's it! tell me what you did this month in the comments.