Saturday, March 8, 2014

Lying Untouched On My Bookshelf (1)

The other day, I was organizing my bookshelves and I realized that the majority of my books have never been read. Obviously, I knew even prior to the organizing that I don't read every single book I buy/receive (I'm looking at you, Wicked) but the exact numbers were unknown to me. So it was crazy for me to see that there were SO many books that I had never read. Some of them have been collecting dust for over five years!

Clearly, I have a problem.

But I do want to change. I do want to read these books on my bookshelves I've never read - or at the very least, give them a shot and so a new feature was born: Lying Untouched On My Bookshelf (I know, great title). Basically, I'm going to pick one book every time and talk a little bit about how I got, why I was interested and what I know about it and then ask YOU what you have heard of it and/or what you thought of it to help me decide whether I should read it ASAP or maybe pass until a rainy day. 

I thought that I would do these Lying Untouched On My Bookshelf posts in video-form. Vlogging is something I've wanted to do for a while and it's on my blogging goals for this year so I thought that this would be a good opportunity to get a head start on it. 

And now that I've actually made a video I can say that I will 100% not be making these on a daily basis. Because I suck at it, my camera is crappy and because uploading takes like three hours and honestly, I ain't got time for that. But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the video even thought the quality is crappy and I'm so awkward! I'm working on it... 

Haha, isn't my thumbnail so attractive? 

Tell me what you think of it in the comments and of course, make sure to tell me what you know of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. Should I read it or pass?