Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.
This week's topic is Top Ten Things On Your Bookish Bucket List. The gals at Broke and Bookish must have been thinking of me when they created this topic because I create bucket lists like nobody's business! And yet, I haven't made a bookish one... So it's kinda perfect that this is the topic for this week because I can finally make one! I'm going to try to avoid things that I listed on my bookish goals for this year though because I find that some overlap with goals that I want to achieve PERIOD like read more classics and non fiction.
1. Build a library/reading room
I think this goes without being said. What bookish person doesn't want a giant book storage room in their very own house? Even if it is a small room, if I can use that space to have bookshelves up and put my books there, I would be VERY happy. I just want somewhere I can read in peace and be surrounded with books. Honestly, is that too much to ask?
2. Attend an author signing
I've attended bookish conventions before where I've saw authors but I haven't actually attended an author SIGNING. Not one of those things at bookstores where you get to have a cute chat with the author and then take pictures and get autographs. But fun fact, I did see Neil Pasricha (author of 1000 Awesome Things) at a convention once but did not know he was there so didn't bring my copy! Not that it mattered anyway because when I tried to get in, the lady told me that he had to leave. So. It was pretty sad.
3. Visit Hogwarts (and Harry Potter World!)
Harry Potter was basically my childhood so I don't understand how I could ever not want to experience real and not fictional Harry Potter! I feel like I'm the only person left on this planet who hasn't gone yet. All my friends have and I'm so jealous! If anyone's planning on making a visit to either or in the near future, do you think you could hide me in your carry-on?
4. Meet a blogger friend
I think it'd be really cool to meet one of you guys! I feel like I'd be really scared though because I wouldn't know what to say or do because interactions are totally different when you're not online so I don't know... I would actually get really nervous if I really knew that I was going to meet a blogger friend in real life but I know I would also be unbelievably excited! Like YOU GUYS AREN'T JUST FIGMENTS OF MY IMAGINATION. YOU'RE REAL PEOPLE. Awwww.
5. Finish writing one full-length story
I've always kinda wanted to be an author and while I have finished a short story when I was ten, I really want to get down to writing a full-length novel! I have so many ideas and I just want to write so bad but whenever I do, I just feel like everything that comes out sucks. Sooo I'll definitely be working on this in the summer.
6. Be quoted in a book
I've seen this on other people's lists a lot today and think it'd be really cool as well! I talked about my reviews yesterday and how they're not exactly the epitome of professionalism and honestly I don't think anyone would have a sentence like "OMG this book was so totally adorable!" on their book so this is probably pretty unlikely. But still, it won't stop me from dreaming! And I've been quoted on a publisher's website for a book once so that's pretty cool too, right?
7. Attend BEA
This goes hand in hand with #4 and meeting blogger friends. Except here it's more just like meeting bloggers that I really admire. I hear stories about BEA every single year and it honestly sounds so much fun! I would not say no to a weekend filled with hanging around people who love reading and books as much as I do! Also New York. Enough said.
8. Participate seriously in a book club
So I'm in a book club right now but first, it's not really a serious thing and second, I don't really take it seriously. So my goal is to be in a book club and actually participate in it and read books and have insightful discussions and hang around and just chat about books! But also of course, have fun and be silly!
9. Have a book signed by an author
I should clear this up and say: have ANOTHER book signed by an author. Because I just realized that I do have a book signed by an author that I got when I was nine. It was a picture book but a really good one at that! I think it's always so sweet to get autographed or personalized books. It makes the reading experience more intimate and special.
10. Continue reading and blogging!
I don't even think this needs any explanation! Obviously I'd want to keep doing what I do because I love it!
How about you? What are some of the things on your bookish bucket list? And more importantly, are YOU going to Harry Potter world and will you agree to bring me with? ;)