Tuesday, April 1, 2014
If We Were Having Coffee #1
I saw this first on Jamie's site and really loved the idea of it but didn't really think of writing a post myself. I don't shy away from being personal on this blog but I don't air it out either. March has been absolutely TERRIBLE and I feel like there are just some things I really need to get out - things that I don't think would do me any good keeping it in. I always feel much better when I talk through whatever stress or problems I'm going through and I think this would be a really great medium. So really, this post is more for me than anybody else but I just wanted to get some things off my chest and sometimes, talking to the Internet is more comfortable for me than talking to actual people I know. So, here we go...
If we were having coffee, I would tell you first about how TERRIBLE school has been for me for the past month. It's nearly report card time so teachers are really turning up the heat but I just feel so overwhelmed and stressed out that I don't think I'm doing anything well. I'm honestly SO scared for this next report card because I KNOW that a lot of my marks will have dropped a couple percent. And I know it isn't a big deal because I have a final one in June and it's only ninth grade and people have so many other more stressful things to deal with that they got through but I have never been through anything like this and each day just makes me feel worse and worse about my marks.
This past week, I totally flunked my English presentation and I didn't even go for my presentation for Tech class because I missed the date I was supposed to present. I'd like to blame it on my teacher for not making it clearer when I was supposed to go because it'd be easier and less disappointing but honestly, it was my fault and I'm SOOO pissed at myself. I've handed in everything else for the unit but since the focus was on my presentation and my end product, I bet I'm going to lose out on a big chunk of the marks. I know I won't FAIL which is good but I'm expecting something in the 50 range, maybe 60 if I'm lucky. Thank god my marks for the other units were pretty high so even if I did get a 50 or a 60, my average would still be around 79/80 which honestly isn't great but isn't the WORST thing in the world either.
And I KNOW marks aren't the most important thing in the world but I HAVE expectations for myself and while I know I can't reach them all the time, I KNOW I can do better than what I've been doing lately. I'm just worried that I might not have time to improve by all that much, even with exams coming up and accounting for maybe 10-30% of our marks.
I feel like I had this coming for me though because so far this year, I haven't been the best at keeping on top of my things. I'm always leaving things to the last minute but it happens that I'm really good at meeting my teachers' expectations while only spending a fraction of effort and time so I've been able to slide past. I should have seen this coming though because something HAD to happen to give me a wake-up call.
If we were having coffee, I'd also tell you how I'm trying not to worry about this too much because I know there are worst things that could happen to me. Things at home are really good so I'm grateful for that and I'm just going to remind myself that not everything in life can go the way you want it to and sometimes, we make mistakes but we just have to take responsibility for them and move on. It's easier said than done but I'm really going to try not to dwell too much on this. What's past is past and all I can do now is just focus on the present and concentrate on what I have to do NOW.
If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about how I wish I could be more active on the blog. I try not to apologize so much about not posting as frequently as I'd like because I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who gets disappointed when that happens but maybe it's just in my Canadian blood but it seems I can't help it. I've been really lazy and sooo not in a good mood lately that blogging is pretty hard for me to do. I have a bunch of new ideas though so I think once everything gets cleared out of the way, I'll try to do it more often! There are tons of things I want to experiment with and I want to change my design as well and figure out a way to do things that works for me. I haven't been super happy with the quality of some of my discussion posts and reviews so I definitely want to go the extra mile for my next few posts! But above all, get back into my mojo because I truly do love blogging and I think it's super important for me to upkeep.
If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about all the wonderful books I got from the library a few days ago! I just felt like I was so out of material for reading so I had my dad drive me to the library and I got books that I'm all super excited for! I think I might do a book haul with those books and some others I've received this coming week because I do want to make another video. I'm not sure yet... We'll see!
If we were having coffee, I would be practically jumping out of my seat right now because I'm getting my braces off in a month! Which is super exciting because I've had them on for over two years and it's just so nice to think about not having metal things on my teeth. It's going to be uncomfortable having the retainer on and I'm going to miss having fun colored braces but then I think about the pain I go through each visit to the orthodontist and it's just like... haha NOPE .
If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about all the shows I've been obsessed with that you must try so that we can talk about it! First, Once Upon A Time! This season has by far been the most intense ever and it makes me so frustrated because things just get worse for all the characters when I really just want them to be happy. Oh, and CAPTAIN SWAN <33.
I'm also really enjoying The Amazing Race. All-star seasons are my absolute favourite and this season is filled with teams I love like the Afghanimals, Dave & Connor, the cowboys and Rachel & Brendan (who I've stuck with ever since their reappearance on Big Brother a year or two ago!).
New Girl has also been pretty fun. I don't think the writers have been totally on their game this season but it's still hilarious and makes me laugh. NO ONE IRL ACTUALLY WATCHES THIS SHOW except for this one person... So I need more people to chat with me about it. Schmidt? Coach? Nick? ANYBODY??
I've also started on Castle with this latest season and watching sporadically but I really like it. Everyone I know loves it and have been getting me to watch it from the beginning but... so much work. I've really enjoyed it so far though!
Speaking of catching up, I really need to continue Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, Gilmore Girls, Friends, Veronica Mars, Supernatural and Agents of Shield. AND Grey's Anatomy. Ahhh, so many shows, so little time!!
If we were having coffee, I'd also strongly urge you to go play 2048 and Smash Hit if you haven't played them already because they're super addicting. Also watch the Lego Movie and Divergent and About Time and Legally Blonde (though I'm pretty sure I was the last person on Earth to watch this) if you haven't because they're all superb!
If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about how much my mom wants me to do the CN Tower stair climb and how it kinda intimidates me. I mean, 144 stories! It's hard to fathom and I think I could do it but I just might faint afterwards. Not even joking. So I really want to get into working out again to prepare for it because I was super good about it during the summer and then it kinda just fell out of my schedule. I'm trying out different things and have a rough schedule but I think I might jump on the Blogilates bandwagon because it sounds so cool and Cassey seems amazing at what she does! I think whatever I try though, I want to keep up with my yoga because I haven't done it in ages and I can feel my joints stiffening and that is NOT GOOD so yoga is a definite must for me in terms of working out.
If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about how excited I am for my trip to Stratford in late June/early July. I've been going since 2010 and I love it! I'm going for the Shakespeare festival and this year I'm seeing A Midsummer's Night Dream which is one of my favourites and I'm super excited! We decided not to stay overnight though which is sad but will still be fun because I love Stratford and basically know the entire downtown section like the back of my hand so it'll be nice to return to my "home away from home".
If we were having coffee, I'd also tell you about my re-found love for Youtubers! I've been so obsessed and if you want a list of some of favourite, feel free to give me a shout! I really badly want to be one now though...
If we were having coffee, I'd tell you about how excited I am that spring is finally here! Canada has been getting a pretty harsh winter and honestly I am SO DONE with it. I'm not really a summer girl but by now, I'd do anything for nicer and warmer weather to come!
And that's pretty much it with me right now! I was so right, writing this made me feel a billion times better! It was good to get the bad out and then talk about the good to remind myself really how unBAD things are.
But anyway, if you've read this far, congratulations and I think it's well due for YOUR turn to speak. So if you want to share a little bit with me about what's going on in your life, feel free to tell me in the comments or contact me and we'll chat a little! I promise, I don't bite!
if we were having coffee
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