Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Annie's Ultimate Playlist (2)

April went by super fast! And yes, I know, it's not over JUST yet but seriously. Where has the time gone? I just feel like I sat around all month sleeping and studying. Ugh, gross. I can't wait for school to be over! Less than two months to go!! I spent most of April listening to covers of songs on Youtube and I debated for a while to post a special edition featuring covers and I might still do that but today I just thought I would stick with the routine and share a few songs that have seriously raised my spirits after weeks of cold, rainy weather and a load of homework.

I Wish//Stevie Wonder
I don't really know what to say except that it really cheers me up?

Falling Slowly//Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova from the Once Soundtrack
The entire Once soundtrack is basically heaven. Marketa & Glen are seriously geniuses and while I like all of the songs they wrote for Once, I think Falling Slowly is my favourite just because it's so sweet and lovely and gives me #ALLTHEFEELS. Go watch the film now. And then get tickets to see the musical. 

Riptide//Vance Joy
I remember someone bringing this song up on Twitter a really long time ago and I remember watching the music video and thinking the song was really good but that the video was the weirdest thing. And then a month ago, it popped up on my Tumblr dash and I started listening to it again and WOW, IT'S REALLY CATCHY.

Big Yellow Taxi (Paved Paradise)//Joni Mitchell
This song feels very summery to me which is why I've been replaying this like crazy. Because when I listen to this song and close my eyes, I can almost make myself believe that it is, in fact, summer and it is, in fact, not raining outside my window and freezing.

The Lonely Life//City and Colour
Great song, and great artist.

Girls Chase Boys//Ingrid Michaelson
Ingrid's latest album, Lights Out, came out recently and though I haven't had the time to run down to HMV to get it, I'm really loving this single! Very, very catchy.

That Girl//David Choi
Oh, how this song brings back fond memories. My cousin introduced me to this song when I was seven (or six?) and I absolutely loved it. I still go back and listen to it from time to time, like I did this month!

Gypsy//Lady Gaga
Fun and very dancey!

The Moment I Knew//Taylor Swift
I recently started listening to this song again and I think I love it more than a lot of the songs that made it onto Red. Definitely a bigger fan of The Moment I Knew than Girl At Home but that might just be me...

Pop Song//Theo Katzman
Really fun song that will 100% brighten your mood by miles. GO LISTEN TO IT NOW.

All Apologies//Nirvana
Fun fact: Lorde did a rendition of this song a few weeks ago at the induction ceremony celebrating Nirvana's induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. 

West Coast//Lana Del Rey
New Lana Del Rey single!! And I really, really, really like it.

Mr. Polite//The Jungle Giants
This song has the CUTEST music video.

Skinny Love//Bon Iver
I heard this song for the first time a few weeks ago after hearing the name mentioned for like basically forever. I FINALLY listened to it and am in love with it. I also listened to the Birdy cover and I think she did a really good job but I don't know if I prefer it over the original. I just feel like they're so different that I can't really compare. I like them both for different reasons, you know?

She Looks So Perfect//5 Seconds Of Summer 
It's crazy how fun this song is!

That's it! Okay, whoa, even more music for the month of April and WOW am I running out of things to say for the descriptions. But anyway, what songs have you been listening to this past month? Tell me in the comments!