Sunday, April 13, 2014

Epic Recs: April 2014

So. The last Epic Recs for me fell WAAAY under the bus. I know Shelly read her book and enjoyed it (yay!) but I still have not read Aristotle and Dante! I SUCK BALLS, I know. I had it for me at the library but I just totally forgot to go pick it up so they sent it back and now I'm up to nine dollars in late fees and other gross stuff due to the library. And to think I was going to use that money to buy the book...

Anyway, a few weeks ago, back in March, Chloe from the YA Booklover Blog asked me if I would join her in Epic Recs April and even though I failed with February, I was all "yeah sure!" because can I just make something work for ONCE? After reading her Favourite Books infographic, I was kinda scared because it was like we were the same person who liked (almost) the same books!

As always, for more information on Epic Recs and how to participate, visit the posts by Judith and Amber!

chloe's rec for me.

my rec for chloe.

Yeesh. Thinking of recs has been super hard because I haven't been reading a ton lately and every single contemporary I have loved, Chloe has already freaking read! Except for I'll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan which made me seriously happy because it is one of my favourite contemporaries ever... and I was running out of ideas. I read this a while ago but loved it so much. The writing is PERFECT and AMAZING and it was so touching and poignant. Gah. So much love for this book.

Chloe is making ME read one of her favourite books ever, How to Be Bad by Lauren Myracle, E. Lockhart, and Sarah Mlynowski. Hooray for girl power! I think this book sounds super fun, especially since there's a road trip and road trips in books are like the next best thing to actual road trips themselves. Possibly even better. I've only ever read anything by Sarah Mlynowski and Lauren Myracle but I love Sarah Mlynowski, enjoyed Lauren Myracle's book, and have heard great things about E. Lockhart so I definitely am confident I'll like this book!

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think? Tell me in the comments!